Monday, July 21, 2014

Lately, fundraising!

We have been pretty busy with the aoption stuff lately. We are almost done with our home study. YAY!!!! So now we are trying to focus on raising the money. That is a lot harder than it sounds. I am thinking about hosting a 5k. I still need to see what ai would need to do for that.
Next month I will start nannying for the cutest family next month to earn some money towards our adoption. I also started a cupcakery in my home to earn money on the side of nannying, also for adoption money. I am really excited about it! You can check out my site here. The thought I had and acted upon it, was actually at the adoption carnival. Everyone was raving about them and suggested selling them because it was the best cupcake they had ever had. So I did. Here are a couple pictures of some of my cupcakes and cakeballs I make.

I hope this post finds you well. Love, Hannah.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Adoption Carnival

First off. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your help to everyone that came or donated to our carnival. You have no idea how much you helped us.
Last Saturday was our adoption carnival and it was a total success! The weather was great! it was hot, but the breeze felt good. There was approximately 1,000 people that showed up. I am so grateful we had my parents and my sister there to help the whole day along with Dave's mom and brother and sister that came to help the morning of set up and make sure everything looked perfect. I should have taken more pictures, but I was really busy.
We had amazing homemade fudge and delicious gourmet cupcakes and popcorn and cotton candy and water and otter pops and cakeballs for sale (food wise).
We had 23 silent auction items and most of them sold. We had the CUTEST baby socks and tea sets and blankets for sale, along with some homemade soap and some jewelry and a few other things.
It was a super fun day. I cant wait for next years carnival. IF we do adopt before, it can help with paying off the loan.
My dad knew the guy in charge and was talking to him and said next year they will definitely work on advertising more. Over all we made $750ish when all was said and done we for sure blew everyone out of the park with the money we made. We are so thrilled. Now we can pay for the home study AND the family profile books which was the 2 last things we needed to pay for before our proof of funds. Hopefully our next fundraiser on the 4th of July where we will be selling water bottles and otter pops along the parade route will help with the first payment of the loan we will have to take out and so on and so forth with a few more fundraisers we want to do, so we will keep you updated when they get closer.
And I know you all wanted some pictures...

                                                      Here is some prepping for the day

 My sweet grandma gets together with some friends in her ward and they make baby quilts to donate or for an expecting family member. If we happen to visit on a Monday I love going with her. The ladies are so cute                                                                    and just crack me up.
                                                   Here we are setting up for the big day!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Holy smokes!!! It's been so crazy/fun getting all of this rolling the past few months. We are still on the look out for a little one to join our family. Either through an adoption agency or private. So be aware around you and let them know about our blog.

So since December my cousin (who also is a birth mom) found this adoption carnival in our county. I am very excited to host a booth to help raise money for our adoption fees. It will be a blast. Some of our family is going to help us. We will be doing a silent auction. Selling gourmet cupcakes, baby bibs, knitted tea sets, and maybe bath bombs too. Here's a flyer in case you're interested in coming.

While all that is being prepared we are almost done with our papers for the adoption agency. Look at all of them!!! So many!!!

For Easter we didnt do much of anything. Dave had to work, so I went to church and gave my CTR 8 class easter cupcakes and went to my parents house after to chill. The whole day I was thinking and hoping maybe next year I will have a cute little one to dress up for easter and have egg hunts with. Fingers crossed!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Agency and Fundraising!

As you know, we are trying to raise money to help with costs for our adoption. For everyone who has contributed so far, THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! You have no idea how much it helps us. You will be blessed for it.
 First off, I'd like to let you all know we have found an agency we like and feel good about, and we have almost all the paperwork done. All thats left is the homestudy, some questions about the race of our future baby and our family profile books I need to make. Yay!!!!
There is another agency Dave wants to look into only because they do there own financing. So we have a phone conference with them on the 30th. I feel doubtful, but we shall see!
A lot of people ask about the cost. For the Heart and Soul agency, it starts at $23,000 but they said it ends up to almost $35,000 after all the expenses like last minute plane tickets, rental cars, hotels and food for when we get the call and then also for if we need to go out before the baby comes to meet the birth mother. It all really depends on the circumstance. Then profile books, a homestudy and dr. visits, etc.
We are trying to live as frugal as we can to save money. We are trying our hardest not to go into debt for this. It's will basically be a morgage payment on top of our rent and other living expenses. I have read blogs and done research and I know it can be done. I pray all the time that we will find ways to save up and pay for this.
So to help out we are doing the gofundme fundraiser you can donate here. Right now my sweet, sweet mom is making super cute soft and washable bibs to help raise money for us. If you want to buy one or some, they are $7.50 each or 3 for $20.00. I post new styles every week on Facebook and different selling websites. So here are some ready to go if you are interested.

 One of my cousins who placed a baby for adoption and I are also going to host a pie throwing booth at an adoption fundraiser fair at the end of May, and I'm going to make cupcakes to sell as well. At the 4th of July we are going to be selling water bottles with our info on the side. Were going to try a letter/puzzle fundraiser too. I am looking for a part time job so I can do all this on the side. So we keep pretty busy around here!

Saturday, February 15, 2014


I cannot tell you how much I LOVE to cook. I love using my hands and getting creative.
 A few years ago Chels and I wanted to decorate a gingerbread house. I decided it couldn't end there. I convinced her to help me decorate a WHOLE VILLAGE!! It took us probably a week to put it together. But it was so much fun!

                                                              Here is the town square.

                                                                     and the Saloon

                                                                   the barber Shop

                                                                         the barn

                                                                        the pond

                                                                   the neighborhood

Cant forget the church. I LOVE the stained glass windows. The top was heavy so I had to add support, so                                                      dont mind the cans and bag of noodles.

                                                                        The market

Some other things I have made...

                                                                     Candy Sushi

                                                      The famous Key Lime Pie Cupcakes.

                           I even found a recipe to make my families dog her own cake. She loved it!

                                                                  Birds nests for Easter.

When we rented a house, there were raspberry bushes. So my favorite thing was fresh raspberries and                                                                                frozen yogurt.

                                                   The Brain Cake I make for Halloween.

                                            I made my dad golf cupcakes for his 50th birthday.

                                                              Virgin Mojitos. Delish!!!

                          Penne Rustica and Rosemary Bread with Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinaigrette.

                                                                          Pesto Pizza.

                                                                   Pink Lemonade Pie!

                                               Chicken Spinach Salad with Grilled Chicken.

             People tell me all the time I need to open my own restaurant. It's on my someday to do list.

While He's Out!!

Dave is a Private Investigator. That means he is gone sometimes, and it varries on the time of the year too. So that means its party time!!! Well, limited party time... My best friend Chelsee of 10 years comes to stay with me and we have a BLAST. We do everything together.
We make tutu's and buy nerf guns and some how make that a game...

 Sometimes we make up new wierd words we try to work into our vocabularies (it can get pretty funny).We like to go places and try new things and we are pretty adventerous. This is us at a P!nk concert.

We even have a secret hand shake and tons of inside jokes. We are so close that we probably dont even need to talk (But who wants that?!).

Us getting ready for Halloween. Top is most recent, bottom was a couple years ago.

We even went to Dental Assisting school together. Can you believe I trust her with sharp objects in my mouth?! I do!

We found this tutorial on pinterest to make egg white facials. So of course, guess what we did...

I just love my best friend. she is there for me through thick and thin. She is with me when I need her the most when Dave cannot be there. Everyone always asks if we are sisters. We have given up and just say YUP!

We joke after our old rich husbands die we are going to be fun old ladies and live in the country and have an old house and be hippies, and go travel the world. We will see if that actually happens. For now it's a dream!

Monday, January 27, 2014


In the middle of the winter, I long for summer. Who dosen't, right?! 
Summer is one of our absolute favorite seasons. Following closely behind fall for me.
We try to be as active in the summer as we can. We LOVE go up to Bear Lake to Dave's families cabins as often as we can to play and hang out with the fam. We have a really nice beach area to lay out in or play in the sand. There are jet skis and four wheelers and a boat and floaty things to lay on the water with, and it is just a ball every time we go up! And you cannot forget to stop and get a fresh raspberry shake! 
We also like to venture into Montpelier where my Grandma and Grandpa lived before they passed away.

His family also has a time share at Snowbird, so we go there every year towards the end of summer/beginning of fall time too. There is hiking and a hot tub and swimming and just venturing all over, and they have some fun activities to do and it's a blast! We take that time to wind down and relax mostly. 

While Dave was working, I went with my family to my great uncles gorgeous house/cabin over by Park City and we played mostly all day inside and outside and on the snowmobiles, it was a BLAST!